Friday, March 18, 2011

Long Overdue Update to the Review

Hey yall,

Sorry about such a long gap between posts.  I have been very swamped with school these past couple of months.  The situation with Essante for me is much the same as my last post.  My business has grown a little more, but I have not yet begun making money.

A few things have changed since my last post regarding some updates to a lead system that will help get the word out much more efficiently.  I do want to mention one important fact that I didn't understand when I signed up.  The Team Builder Guarantee is a relatively new incentive for Essante.  The team has recently informed me that a huge advertising campaign will begin over the next month.  This is the point when the monthly income will start rising as more and more word gets out.

I have had a few times when I felt like I was getting nowhere with the company, but I understand now that I'm in a good spot.  The worst case scenario is that I leave after 10 months with the same amount of money that I go in with.  The company cannot afford to deny the guarantee and expect to have any credibility left after the 10 months.  For this reason, I have confidence that I still have no risk for my signing up, and I'm pretty confident that I won't need to invoke the guarantee anyway because I expect to be making some money.  

I am still excited for the upcoming months and am eager to see what really happens.  I'd love for any of yall to join, but completely understand if you want to wait and see a few more months.  I will try to keep yall posted more frequently, but if I get too over my head in school, I will neglect the blog.  If it takes a long time between posts again, please email me to let me know you are interested.  Thanks for reading the review so far!

God bless,

PS.  Once again, I want to stress the importance of Jesus Christ.  If you want to know why He is so important, please contact me, so we can talk. 

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