Monday, April 18, 2011

Quick Update!

Hi yall!

For anyone who's watching this blog, I just wanted to provide a little update.  I'm exhausted and studying for a big exam, but I just checked my Essante business out.  I have another new team member added on and it appears that I'll have a steady commission check from here on out!  This is exciting because I was told that the guarantee would begin to be fulfilled pretty soon, and it looks like I'm seeing it happen!  I won't get too excited, though because I have a long way to go to get to $2000.00/month in 6 months... I do see how it could happen though.  I have more time ahead than I do behind me, and if more people pour in, the commission checks multiply, so I have faith!  Thanks for reading this!


PS.  Around this time of year (Easter), I believe it's important to think about the reason for the season.  I'm not talking about the Easter bunny and candy-filled eggs!  I'm talking about Jesus Christ!  Everything that He taught and all that He claimed was proven by His resurrection!  It is a time to celebrate that wonderful day when He rose from the grave, but also to remember why He was in the grave in the first place.  The only way to reconcile me, you, and all humanity with God was for Jesus to die and pay the price for OUR sins.  He laid down His life for us so that we can spend eternity with Him.  I praise God that He was able to pick His life back up again to confirm His amazing grace!  I thank Him that I can freely accept Him as my Savior; and my Savior is alive today!  Please contact me if you have any questions about this man Jesus of Nazareth.  He is exponentially more important than any information I could provide on Essante! =)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Fairly Exciting Week

I think I am beginning to get excited about what is to come.  I literally haven't done any work to get new people signed up, and I'm getting people placed under me.  So far, my commission has not been very high, but as more people are being placed under me, it is increasing.  I really am beginning to see that this system can actually work.  I'm an optimist, so I tend to see the positive in most things.  That being said, I really do believe that I will begin to see a decent check coming in once the advertising campaign actually gets going. 

Time will tell, but I have faith in the system for now!  This site is not intended to be an advertising site, but I won't decline if anyone who reads it wants to sign up!  I do completely understand, though, if yall want to wait it out a little more for now.  The only thing that I would consider is that the longer you would wait to sign up, the longer it would take to fill up your down-line.  This shouldn't be a problem, however, if the money starts pouring in because that would be such an easy sale that I could get loads of people to put underneath whoever signs up under me too! 

Thanks for reading, and I hope this helps out yalls' decisions.  I'll try to keep yall posted, but once again, I am in pre-med nearing the end of a semester so I tend to drop off the radar!  Just shoot me an email (because I do have to keep up with emails) and let me know that you want information or a new update on here. 

Essante Teambuilder is the purpose of this blog, but my purpose is to serve Jesus Christ the best I can!  The best way I know how to do that is to tell folks about Him, so I want to stress how important that knowledge actually is.  A personal relationship with Him far surpasses any amount of commission that Essante could ever dish out.  Please let me know if you want more info about Him.  It will change your life.  I know it did mine =).

Thanks and God bless,

Friday, March 18, 2011

Long Overdue Update to the Review

Hey yall,

Sorry about such a long gap between posts.  I have been very swamped with school these past couple of months.  The situation with Essante for me is much the same as my last post.  My business has grown a little more, but I have not yet begun making money.

A few things have changed since my last post regarding some updates to a lead system that will help get the word out much more efficiently.  I do want to mention one important fact that I didn't understand when I signed up.  The Team Builder Guarantee is a relatively new incentive for Essante.  The team has recently informed me that a huge advertising campaign will begin over the next month.  This is the point when the monthly income will start rising as more and more word gets out.

I have had a few times when I felt like I was getting nowhere with the company, but I understand now that I'm in a good spot.  The worst case scenario is that I leave after 10 months with the same amount of money that I go in with.  The company cannot afford to deny the guarantee and expect to have any credibility left after the 10 months.  For this reason, I have confidence that I still have no risk for my signing up, and I'm pretty confident that I won't need to invoke the guarantee anyway because I expect to be making some money.  

I am still excited for the upcoming months and am eager to see what really happens.  I'd love for any of yall to join, but completely understand if you want to wait and see a few more months.  I will try to keep yall posted more frequently, but if I get too over my head in school, I will neglect the blog.  If it takes a long time between posts again, please email me to let me know you are interested.  Thanks for reading the review so far!

God bless,

PS.  Once again, I want to stress the importance of Jesus Christ.  If you want to know why He is so important, please contact me, so we can talk. 

Friday, January 14, 2011

Very Excited!!

I am EXTREMELY excited right now!  I am definitely beginning to have faith in the Essante Teambuilder Program.  I can see my business being built for me as we speak!  Its only a matter of time before my commission checks begin to pour in! 

I also want to comment on a few of my teammates above me.  I am really blessed to have an understanding group of people to work with.  I have been harassing them with questions daily since I signed up with Essante Worldwide, and they have been extremely helpful.  Even when they didn't know how to answer my questions, there was always someone in the team who could!  I've sat in on conference calls and thoroughly enjoyed the enthusiasm of everyone who spoke.  I have no doubt in my mind that they, including the CEO, are passionate about not only the company but also the products.

This brings me to my next excitement.  I have begun to try the Essante products and am shocked at how much I enjoy them.  The Bee Natural tabs are cool.  I want to keep a steady supply of those coming.  I, in particular, know the value of the Vitamin D3 supplement because I don't drink milk.  By far, however, the most amazing product I have yet tried is none other than the PowerPops!  Essante Worldwide really has come up with a way to eat candy and lose weight!  The product has already been featured multiple times on TV and has had great results.  I have used them already, and they do what they are supposed to.  I have much more energy and much less appetite!

So far, I will say that the TeamBuilder guarantee is definitely working!  I know I have a long way to go to $2000 a month, but I can honestly say that I see it happening now.  I have enough confidence in the team and the company and the products to begin marketing them myself.  I may not have much time, but I won't hesitate to tell anyone about it! 

Thanks for reading, if you have, and I hope that this blog will help out anyone trying to make a decision.  I will, over the next few days be trying "The Daily Basics" organic value pack.  I'm eager to use the products that should be coming in today.  If you have any questions, please leave a comment, and I will get back to you as quickly as possible. 

Thank you and God bless,
Wynn Harvey

PS.  Immensely more important to me than any products or marketing campaign is my faith in Jesus Christ.  I am not ashamed of following Him or His message.  If you would like to know about how He changed my life and can also change yours, please contact me so I can share my faith with you.  You can also get in touch with me if you need someone to pray for you.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

First Impression

Hey yall!  Wynn Harvey here again with an update on how everything is going with my Essante TeamBuilder experience!  I've been involved with them for about 3 days now and I have to stay I'm cautiously optimistic.

I was very excited when I found out that I'm working with a group of people who are Christians.  I feel a little more comfortable knowing that my brothers and sisters in Christ are my referrers and sales supporters.  I look forward to working with them.

I haven't had a chance to try any products out yet, but I should be receiving my first order sometime early next week.  I'll let yall know how I like the organic and green vitamins and shampoo and stuff.

I already had 3 people placed under me by my direct sponsor, so that's a good sign.  Other than that, I guess I haven't mentioned the fact that I'm going to get 1000 free leads a month along with an autoresponder system as long as I keep an autoship order going.  This is required to make commission anyway, so nothing out of the ordinary is required for this cool feature.  There's also the option to purchase more and better leads and more advanced auto responder system, but I don't think I want to go that route yet.  I still want to see how far I get without much marketing on my part.

There was one catch to the autoresponder that they don't mention before you sign up.  I would tell anyone that I market to, or offer a year's worth free or something... but anyway a redirect is required.  Its basically a domain name that forwards you to the teambuilder signup website.  I ended up buying two domains, the first one was and I realized that wasn't a really catchy name that had anything to do with earning money, so I bought another one: to play off the making money with green organic products.  Catchy huh? : )   Well they both ended up costing me about $10 total and they should last a year.  I got em at GoDaddy.  If you want a domain name or to make or website or whatever, click the picture below.

Next week, I should have more info to review once I get my product and free leads and everything.  I think I'll get my first commission in a couple of weeks, so that will be exciting.  Overall, I'm still not regretting the decision to sign up, but I'm still not comfortable enough to sign my friends and family and girlfriend up yet.

Like I said, time will tell!

If you read this, could you leave me a comment to let me know I'm reaching someone?  Thanks, and have a great day.  God bless yall.


Thursday, January 6, 2011

Unbiased Essante Team Builder Review

Hey yall!  My name is Wynn Harvey and I'm a newly recruited salesman for a company called Essante.  The company specializes in the sale of green and organic products.  Its a web-based system of sales reps who earn commission based on the amount of people they can recruit and place in their "binary" sales tree.  The more the merrier in this company.  Some people pull off a six or seven figure salary!  I'll tell you right now.  I'm not that guy!  I'm a full-time student being bombarded with classes in a pre-med program just looking for a way to make some cash that takes up very little time.  I will not, for the next dozen years of medical training have any ounce of time to go recruit salespeople, which begs the question:  Why, Wynn, are you signing up for an online marketing scheme that requires intense time and effort to see any profit??  This is where the "team builder guarantee" comes in.

Essante higher-ups recently enacted a guarantee that you can make at least $2000 a month after 10 months without lifting a finger to sell a single recruitment.  Obviously this got my attention because it means there is no pestering my family and friends to sign up, no driving around looking for anyone I can talk into signing up, and basically no effort at all on my part; only money!  This works because the people who recruited you can only fill up two spots directly beneath them, so to make any money they have to fill up spots below the spots below them, if that makes any sense.  So, essentially, everyone above you will help you out in order to help themselves.  In order to have the guarantee, you have to pay about $30/month for the whole 10 months.  On top of the $30 to sign up as a "qualifying manager" and $50/month for the auto-shipped product you are required to buy, the overall cost of getting into this scheme is roughly $830 over the course of 10 months.  This money (minus the amount of commission made over the 10 months) will be completely refunded if you aren't making at least $2000 a month by the end of the guarantee's time period.  Well, come to think of it, I doubt they'll refund the cost of the auto-shipped products.  Oh well, hopefully the guarantee will hold true!  But anyway, $830 isn't really that bad considering every month should be pulling in over double the starting capital.  Only time will tell if this is the real deal, which is why I'm writing this blog.

Before I go on, I'd like to mention a few pluses I've seen so far.  The binary tree system seems to be a good thing, and as far as tools go, there is a good bit available to those who want to go all out and pitch this product.  A couple examples are an automatic response system, some free leads, even a call center available to help get your prospects to buy.  All this on top of numerous help videos and info make this a pretty good setup for someone with a lot of time on their hands.  But from here on out--unless I see some really cool thing that I just have to tell yall about--I'm only going to review how good the teambuilder guarantee is.  I will most likely do absolutely nothing, so my case should be a very good picture of how well this actually is.

I literally signed up a few hours ago, so I havn't had a chance to really talk with my recruiter just yet.  I emailed him a few questions and expect him to get back to me sometime tomorrow.  The transaction process went smoothly.  I think I'll enjoy the products I have to order, and I really could see myself selling some of them one day.  I'm about as far from a health nut and tree hugger as you can be, but I do appreciate the value of organic and green products.  Anyways, thats about as much as I know so far.  I'll try to keep this thing updated as much as possible!

Thanks for reading!  And if you do, could you leave a comment?  I just want to know if anyone's even worried about what I have to say....heh That'd be nice!


PS. On the off chance that someone stumbles on this post who is going through any difficulties, I'd be more than happy to talk to you and keep you in my prayers.  If there's anything I've learned in life so far, it's that I can't do much without God's help and prayer's a pretty powerful thing.  Thats just a little lagniappe for yall!  Thanks and God bless!